艾伦·E. Kazdin Endowed Lecture in 心理学

This annual lecture is supported by an endowment from 阿兰·E. 卡兹丁,感恩博士 acknowledgement of the impact that the faculty in 心理学 has had on his career and no doubt on the careers of many others.  Kazdin is Sterling Professor of 心理学 and Child Psychiatry at Yale University and an alumnus of the 菠菜网lol正规平台心理学 Department (1967).

Each year we invite a distinguished and influential speaker to inspire a new generation of psychologists and shape the future of our field and our society.


              里卡多F. 穆尼奥斯,Ph值.D.

 Harnessing 心理学 and Technology               to Reduce Suffering Worldwide

                          Dr. 里卡多·穆尼奥斯

里卡多F. Muñoz immigrated from Perú to the Mission District (the Latino barrio) in San Francisco in 1961, at age 10. He did his undergraduate work at Stanford and 获得博士学位.D. in Clinical 心理学 at the University of Oregon. 他目前 Professor of 心理学, Emeritus at the School of Medicine of the University of California, San Francisco, and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Palo Alto University. 他是 also Adjunct Clinical Professor at Stanford University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral 科学s, and a member of the affiliated faculty in the Department of 心理学, University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Muñoz has been a leader in research into the prevention of 抑郁症. 他的团队 developed El Curso Mamás y Bebés/The Mothers and Babies Course to prevent postpartum 抑郁症. 他是 the founding director of Palo Alto University’s Institute for International Internet Interventions for Health (i4Health).

Dr. Muñoz has served on three U.S. National Academy of 科学s, 工程, and Medicine Consensus Committees on prevention of mental disorders. 他是……的成员 American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological 科学, and was inducted as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of 科学 “for distinguished contributions towards the prevention of major 抑郁症 and the development of Internet interventions to improve mental health worldwide.”

Kazdin Lecture Flyer [pdf]
